Monday, May 08, 2023

Target Besar vs Lemahnya Tekad

Sebagian orang bilang cita²mu terlalu tinggi, aku bilang pada kamu:

"Mungkin tekad mereka yg lemah. Keberhasilan menakjubkan & penemuan besar di dunia banyak terjadi melalui perjuangan demi perjuangan sekalipun tadinya bagi banyak orang itu mimpi yang mustahil menjadi kenyataan.

Berapa nenek yang akhirnya sukses menjadi hafizhoh yang hafal 30 juz, diantaranya; Nenek Wiji usia 72 thn ini:

Dan kita kenal lampu pijar setelah Tomas Alfa Edison melewati percobaan panjang dan akhirnya berhasil padahal ketika itu hampir semua manusia tidak sampai pikirannya kepada sesuatu yang namanya lampu pijar. Maka jadilah elang yang terbang ke angkasa gagah perkasa meninggalkan zona nyaman.

Kemudian apabila kamu telah membulatkan tekad, maka bertawakkallah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang bertawakkal kepada-Nya ('Āli `Imrān:159).

Ust. Muh. Fuad Qowwam, Lc - Mahad Fursanul Haq Barombong

Saturday, October 01, 2022

Quick Key Strokes

Key Strokes Operation And Performed
Windows Logo Key + F1 Displays Windows Help & Support.
Ctrl + A Select all contents of the page.
Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection.
Ctrl + C Copy selected text.
Ctrl + X Cut selected text.
Ctrl + P Open the print window.
Ctrl + F Open find box.
Ctrl + H Find and Replace.
Ctrl + I Italic highlighted selection.
Ctrl + K Insert link.
Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection.
Ctrl + V Paste.
Ctrl + Y Redo the last action performed.
Ctrl + Z Undo last action.
Ctrl + End Moves the cursor to the end of the document.
Ctrl + Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document.
Alt + F File menu options in current program.
Alt + E Edit options in current program.
F1 Universal in most programs to Open Help.
Ctrl + F2 Display the print preview.
Alt + Tab Switch between open applications.
Ctrl + Alt + Reboot the computer and/or bring up the Windows task manager.
Shift + F10 Simulates right-click on selected item.
Home Goes to beginning of current line or top of a web page.
Ctrl + Left arrow Moves one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl + Right arrow Moves one word to the right at a time.
Shift + Home Highlights from current position.
Shift + End Highlights from current position to end of line.
ESC Cancel the current task.
End Goes to end of current line or bottom of a web page.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Empat Tanda Kebahagiaan

Dalam kehidupan ini, setiap dari kita menginginkan kebahagian. Kita berusaha dengan berbagai cara, baik siang maupun malam, untuk mewujudkan kebahagian tersebut. Namun kebanyakan dari kita tidak tahu dan mengerti apa sebenarnya yang menjadikan hidup kita bahagia di dunia ini. Padahal Nabi Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam sejak dahulu sudah mengabarkan bahwa ada empat perkara yang menjadikan hidup bahagia. 

Dalam hadis riwayat Ibnu Hibban, Nabi Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam bersabda;

 أَرْبَعٌ مِنَ السَّعَادَةِ: اَلْمَرْأَةُ الصَّالِحَةُ، وَالْمَسْكَنُ الْوَاسِعُ، وَالْجَارُ الصَّالِحُ، وَالْمَرْكَبُ الْهَنِيُّ. 

“Ada empat perkara termasuk kebahagiaan; istri yang shalihah, tempat tinggal yang lapang, teman atau tetangga yang baik dan kendaraan yang nyaman.”

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Tetap Ditulis Baginya Pahala

Dari Abu Musa Al Asy'ari رضي الله عنه, Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم bersabda :  

"Bila hamba itu sakit atau bersafar, maka dituliskan untuknya semisal apa yang dia amalkan ketika dia mukim (tidak bersafar) dan sehat". HR Bukhari No. 2996

‏Berkata Syaikh Ibnu Utsaimin رحمه الله : 

Bahwasanya manusia bila kebiasaannya beramal shaleh, kemudian dia sakit dan dia tidak lagi mampu atasnya, maka akan dituliskan pahala sempurna untuknya. Walhamdulillah atas nikmat-nikmatNya 

Maka apabila kamu, sebagai contoh : bahwasannya kebiasaanmu shalat berjama'ah, kemudian kamu sakit dan tidak mampu lagi shalat berjama'ah maka kamu sama seperti orang yang shalat berjama'ah dan tetap dituliskan pahalamu sebanyak dua puluh tujuh derajat.

Dan sekiranya kamu safar, sedang kebiasaanmu di waktu mukim di negrimu senang menghidupkan shalat sunnah , membaca al qur'an, bertasbih, bertahlil, dan bertakbir, akan tetapi ketika kamu safar, kamu tersibukkan dari hal-hal tersebut maka sungguh tetap dituliskan untukmu apa yang dahulunya kamu amalkan di negrimu di waktu mukim. Sebagai contoh : sekiranya kamu safar dan kamu shalat sendirian di daratan, sedangkan tidak ada seorangpun bersamamu maka sungguh akan ditulis untukmu pahala shalat berjama'ah secara sempurna, bila kebiasaanmu shalat berjamaah diwaktu mukim.

Dan demikian ini terdapat perhatian bagi orang yang berakal, agar selama dia berada pada kondisi sehat dan waktu luang, maka hendaknya dia terus bersemangat untuk beramal shaleh hingga apa bila dia sudah merasa lemah darinya, karena sakit atau kesibukan, maka tetap akan dituliskan pahala sempurna untuknya.

Maka ambillah masa sehatmu dan masa lapangmu, dan beramal shalehlah hingga apa bila engkau tersibukkan dengan sakit atau selainnya maka tetap dituliskan pahala sempurna untukmu. Walhamdulillah.

Oleh karena itu, berkata Ibnu Umar رضي الله عنهما :

 ‎خذْ من صحتكَ لمرضك، ومن حياتكَ لموتك. 

"Ambillah masa sehatmu karena akan datang masa sakitmu dan masa hidupmu karena akan datang masa matimu". Syarh Riyadh As Shalihin (2/189).


Ustadz Abu Abdillah Fakhruddin - WAG As Sunnah Makassar


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Optical Fiber Connectors

Optical fiber connectors are mechanical devices that are placed at the end of a fiber cable, allowing it to be connected to telecommunication equipment such as another cable, a receiver or a light source. They align the core of microscopic fibers together so light pulses can travel through them and allow communication. These devices make temporary links, which means they can be easily joined and detached.

Over the course of optical fiber technology development and improvement, several communication companies have created and introduced more than 100 connectors to the market, but just a few of them made it to the present days. And even fewer are considered the most used.

Optical Fiber Connectors Types

Optical fiber connectors Optical fiber connectors are used in premises installations, inside and outside plant applications, in CATV and telephony systems to join cables and equipment where a connect/disconnect capability is needed. Connectors are considered the weakest link in a fiber optic system, because they mark a spot in which signal power can be lost. So for optical fiber systems to have an outstanding performance, well designed connectors, good terminations and an installer with skills are needed.

There are several types of optical fiber connectors and they are all integrated by three main mechanisms:

The ferrule: This is the most important component of fiber optic connectors because it holds, protects and aligns the glass fiber. Ferrules are usually made of ceramic, high-quality plastic or metal. Of all those materials, zirconia ferrules are the ones that offer the highest performance and durability after several mating cycles.

Coupling mechanism: It keeps the connector in place when it is joined to another device. It could be push-pull or bayonet style.

Connector body: Is the structure that holds the ferrule, the coupling mechanism and the boot. It is made of plastic or metal.

Connectors’ end-face

The connectors’ end-face determines what the return loss, also known as back reflection, of a fiber optic cable will be. Return loss is the loss of power that happens when light returns from the fiber to the light source device due to discontinuities or airs gaps caused in the ferrule’s end-face. It is measured in decibels.

Ferrules are polished in different ways, which classifies connectors as:

- PC (Physical Contact): PC connectors are polished with a slight curvature, which reduces the air gaps between fibers. These connectors’ back reflection is between 30dB and 40dB.

- UPC (Ultra Physical Contact): UPC connectors also have a convex end-face, but have a finer surface finish. Their return loss goes from -40dB from -55dB, which makes them reliable for transmitting TV and data signals.

- APC (Angled Physical Contact): APC connectors have an 8° angle cut in their ferrules, which makes connections between optical fibers even tighter. Industry standards indicate that APC connectors back reflection is -60dB.

Source :


Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Make A Folder Invisible (Good One)

Make the folder INVISIBLE without hiding Make your folders invicible…:)
1)Right Click on the desktop.Make a new folder
2)Now rename the folder with a space(U have to hold ALT key and type 0160).
3)Now u have a folder with out a name.
4)Right click on the folder>properties>customize. Click on change icon.
5)Scroll a bit, u should find some empty spaces, Click on any one of them.
click ok Thats it,now u can store ur personal data without any 3rd party tools.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Fedora 15 Release

Fedora is a Linux-based operating system, a suite of software that makes your computer run. You can use the Fedora operating system to replace or to run alongside of other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows™ or Mac OS X™. The Fedora operating system is 100% free of cost for you to enjoy and share. The lastest version of Fedora is Fedora 15.

The following are major features for Fedora 15:

GNOME 3 including the new GNOME 3 shell
KDE 4.6 with the improved Plasma workspace, enhanced core applications, and greater memory efficiency.
Xfce 4.8 with a new panel, Thunar enhancements and more.
Virtualization improvements including Spice support in virt-manager and support for Xen hosts.

Download Fedora 15 now

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Big Brother and Ndisuio.sys A new Internet phenomenon?

Ndisuio.sys, a very mysterious system file is present in Windows XP and is a driver for wireless things such as wi-fi and bluetooth. However, there have been many issues with this file downloading immense amounts of data and perhaps causing activity that is "big brother"ish.

The fact that hardly any information on this file downloading data is available by Microsoft makes things quite suspicious about it. It has even been noted that it looked as if it was transferring data to major companies like Comcast, Road Runner, Time Warner, BTC and Verizon.

The good news is, it turns out this file duplicates data that is sent/received, so wherever you go, it will also transfer the data to that file but it does not leave the computer/network so it's not spyware. So it's not as much of a big brother situation then it looks like. It simply performs internal communication tasks and stands for NDIS user I/O, hence, NDISUIO. NDISUIO is also used as a driver by many developers as it makes certain wireless network tasks easier such as implementing it for 802.11x connections. Some firewalls also use it as it can get the data in order to filter it.

But duplicating this data can hog resources for no reason, so disabling it is the best thing to do. The data rate of this file's received data is huge, so that indicates that the data transfer is not over the Internet, but locally. So it's just a duplicate of network activity but because it's local everything transfers faster but uses more resources then casual internet usage as there's more data involved at a given time span of 1 second, for example.

To disable this file, go to the control panel, administration tools, services, Wireless Zero Configuration, double click and disable it. This file is probably required to run if you use any linksys wireless devices.

BandWidth Explained

This is well written explanation about bandwidth, very useful info.

BandWidth Explained

Most hosting companies offer a variety of bandwidth options in their plans. So exactly what is bandwidth as it relates to web hosting? Put simply, bandwidth is the amount of traffic that is allowed to occur between your web site and the rest of the internet. The amount of bandwidth a hosting company can provide is determined by their network connections, both internal to their data center and external to the public internet.

Network Connectivity

The internet, in the most simplest of terms, is a group of millions of computers connected by networks. These connections within the internet can be large or small depending upon the cabling and equipment that is used at a particular internet location. It is the size of each network connection that determines how much bandwidth is available. For example, if you use a DSL connection to connect to the internet, you have 1.54 Mega bits (Mb) of bandwidth. Bandwidth therefore is measured in bits (a single 0 or 1). Bits are grouped in bytes which form words, text, and other information that is transferred between your computer and the internet.

If you have a DSL connection to the internet, you have dedicated bandwidth between your computer and your internet provider. But your internet provider may have thousands of DSL connections to their location. All of these connection aggregate at your internet provider who then has their own dedicated connection to the internet (or multiple connections) which is much larger than your single connection. They must have enough bandwidth to serve your computing needs as well as all of their other customers. So while you have a 1.54Mb connection to your internet provider, your internet provider may have a 255Mb connection to the internet so it can accommodate your needs and up to 166 other users (255/1.54).


A very simple analogy to use to understand bandwidth and traffic is to think of highways and cars. Bandwidth is the number of lanes on the highway and traffic is the number of cars on the highway. If you are the only car on a highway, you can travel very quickly. If you are stuck in the middle of rush hour, you may travel very slowly since all of the lanes are being used up.

Traffic is simply the number of bits that are transferred on network connections. It is easiest to understand traffic using examples. One Gigabyte is 2 to the 30th power (1,073,741,824) bytes. One gigabyte is equal to 1,024 megabytes. To put this in perspective, it takes one byte to store one character. Imagine 100 file cabinets in a building, each of these cabinets holds 1000 folders. Each folder has 100 papers. Each paper contains 100 characters - A GB is all the characters in the building. An MP3 song is about 4MB, the same song in wav format is about 40MB, a full length movie can be 800MB to 1000MB (1000MB = 1GB).

If you were to transfer this MP3 song from a web site to your computer, you would create 4MB of traffic between the web site you are downloading from and your computer. Depending upon the network connection between the web site and the internet, the transfer may occur very quickly, or it could take time if other people are also downloading files at the same time. If, for example, the web site you download from has a 10MB connection to the internet, and you are the only person accessing that web site to download your MP3, your 4MB file will be the only traffic on that web site. However, if three people are all downloading that same MP at the same time, 12MB (3 x 4MB) of traffic has been created. Because in this example, the host only has 10MB of bandwidth, someone will have to wait. The network equipment at the hosting company will cycle through each person downloading the file and transfer a small portion at a time so each person's file transfer can take place, but the transfer for everyone downloading the file will be slower. If 100 people all came to the site and downloaded the MP3 at the same time, the transfers would be extremely slow. If the host wanted to decrease the time it took to download files simultaneously, it could increase the bandwidth of their internet connection (at a cost due to upgrading equipment).

Hosting Bandwidth

In the example above, we discussed traffic in terms of downloading an MP3 file. However, each time you visit a web site, you are creating traffic, because in order to view that web page on your computer, the web page is first downloaded to your computer (between the web site and you) which is then displayed using your browser software (Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc.) . The page itself is simply a file that creates traffic just like the MP3 file in the example above (however, a web page is usually much smaller than a music file).

A web page may be very small or large depending upon the amount of text and the number and quality of images integrated within the web page. For example, the home page for is about 200KB (200 Kilobytes = 200,000 bytes = 1,600,000 bits). This is typically large for a web page. In comparison, Yahoo's home page is about 70KB.

How Much Bandwidth Is Enough?

It depends (don't you hate that answer). But in truth, it does. Since bandwidth is a significant determinant of hosting plan prices, you should take time to determine just how much is right for you. Almost all hosting plans have bandwidth requirements measured in months, so you need to estimate the amount of bandwidth that will be required by your site on a monthly basis

If you do not intend to provide file download capability from your site, the formula for calculating bandwidth is fairly straightforward:

Average Daily Visitors x Average Page Views x Average Page Size x 31 x Fudge Factor

If you intend to allow people to download files from your site, your bandwidth calculation should be:

[(Average Daily Visitors x Average Page Views x Average Page Size) +
(Average Daily File Downloads x Average File Size)] x 31 x Fudge Factor

Let us examine each item in the formula:

Average Daily Visitors - The number of people you expect to visit your site, on average, each day. Depending upon how you market your site, this number could be from 1 to 1,000,000.

Average Page Views - On average, the number of web pages you expect a person to view. If you have 50 web pages in your web site, an average person may only view 5 of those pages each time they visit.

Average Page Size - The average size of your web pages, in Kilobytes (KB). If you have already designed your site, you can calculate this directly.

Average Daily File Downloads - The number of downloads you expect to occur on your site. This is a function of the numbers of visitors and how many times a visitor downloads a file, on average, each day.

Average File Size - Average file size of files that are downloadable from your site. Similar to your web pages, if you already know which files can be downloaded, you can calculate this directly.

Fudge Factor - A number greater than 1. Using 1.5 would be safe, which assumes that your estimate is off by 50%. However, if you were very unsure, you could use 2 or 3 to ensure that your bandwidth requirements are more than met.

Usually, hosting plans offer bandwidth in terms of Gigabytes (GB) per month. This is why our formula takes daily averages and multiplies them by 31.


Most personal or small business sites will not need more than 1GB of bandwidth per month. If you have a web site that is composed of static web pages and you expect little traffic to your site on a daily basis, go with a low bandwidth plan. If you go over the amount of bandwidth allocated in your plan, your hosting company could charge you over usage fees, so if you think the traffic to your site will be significant, you may want to go through the calculations above to estimate the amount of bandwidth required in a hosting plan.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Delete An "undeletable" File

Open a Command Prompt window and leave it open.
Close all open programs.
Click Start, Run and enter TASKMGR.EXE
Go to the Processes tab and End Process on Explorer.exe.
Leave Task Manager open.
Go back to the Command Prompt window and change to the directory the AVI (or other undeletable file) is located in.
At the command prompt type DEL where is the file you wish to delete.
Go back to Task Manager, click File, New Task and enter EXPLORER.EXE to restart the GUI shell.
Close Task Manager.

Or you can try this

Open Notepad.exe

Click File>Save As..>

locate the folder where ur undeletable file is

Choose 'All files' from the file type box

click once on the file u wanna delete so its name appears in the 'filename' box

put a " at the start and end of the filename
(the filename should have the extension of the undeletable file so it will overwrite it)

click save,

It should ask u to overwrite the existing file, choose yes and u can delete it as normal

Here's a manual way of doing it. I'll take this off once you put into your first post zain.

1. Start
2. Run
3. Type: command
4. To move into a directory type: cd c:\*** (The stars stand for your folder)
5. If you cannot access the folder because it has spaces for example Program Files or Kazaa Lite folder you have to do the following. instead of typing in the full folder name only take the first 6 letters then put a ~ and then 1 without spaces. Example: cd c:\progra~1\kazaal~1
6. Once your in the folder the non-deletable file it in type in dir - a list will come up with everything inside.
7. Now to delete the file type in del ***.bmp, txt, jpg, avi, etc... And if the file name has spaces you would use the special 1st 6 letters followed by a ~ and a 1 rule. Example: if your file name was bad file.bmp you would type once in the specific folder thorugh command, del badfil~1.bmp and your file should be gone. Make sure to type in the correct extension.